It’s that time again, ladies and gentlemen, when shops all over the United States are offering up their goods at discounted prices, and there will be no exception here.

Three books. Each just $0.99 all weekend.

the_rotten_apple_cover.jpgThe Rotten Apple

“The action is quick and full of weight; you truly understand the gravity of the situation and that Naomi’s whole world is on the line. The bad guys are smart and terrifying, the romance is organic and realistic, and there are plenty of twists to keep you enthralled.”

custom-book-cover-chris-stocking-ebook2.jpgBlack Powder Brigade

“Black Powder Brigade is an exciting mix between the historical and the fantastical. Bizarre and full of action, this was my first step into Flintlock Fantasy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!”

His_Only_Star_CoverHis Only Star

“Breathtaking, brutal and beautifully real, Stocking’s story is stunning. He unflinchingly explores the intricate, difficult choices a runaway teen must face. This is not the first book to tackle this tough topic, but there is something about this story that will keep you hooked. My only wish was that poor Oli would have gotten what he wanted in the end. A tragedy, that will keep you wanting for more long after it’s over”


It’s my birthday! Twenty-four years old, and I have to say I’ve accomplished more than I thought I would. I have a college degree, I’m married, I have a little boy on the way, and I’m a published author. Sometimes I get a bit down because I’m not where I want to be regarding my status as an author, but I could certainly be a lot further back than I am.

So, because it’s my birthday, I’ve decided to make both The Rotten Apple and it’s prequel short story, The Crimson Apple, free for the Kindle all day! Click on the cover and get your free book! Don’t forget to leave a review and help spread the word!

The Crimson Apple CoverThe_Rotten_Apple_Cover

Monday Recap: Rejection, Sales, Expansion

It’s interesting how sometimes, after receiving bad news, a whole lot of good news comes through.

I interviewed for a staff writer job at the newspaper I freelance for, and I found out yesterday that I didn’t get it. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, seeing as how I’ve been writing for them for close to a year now, but I guess the powers-that-be at that newspaper have decided I wasn’t a good fit, but I’ll continue working as a freelance correspondent. So, not terrible news, but not good news, seeing as how I still have this degree and I’m not using it to its full potential.

However, yesterday some pretty cool things happened that seemed to outweigh that bad news, at least for now, anyway.

First, I sold some books, which  always makes my day better. Knowing that someone was interested enough in what I had to say, and knowing that I potentially have the chance to get a new fan, make someone else’s day better, and, who knows, maybe even change a life, is fantastic.

Second, selling books bumped up one of my Amazon sales ranks!

crimsonappletop100Not long after that, I discovered that both The Rotten Apple and Black Powder Brigade are available on the Barnes and Noble Website!

And, finally, this morning I discovered that I sold more books, bumping up my sales rank for The Crimson Apple even further.


Overall, what started off as a day that promised to be less-than-hopeful turned out to be not so bad after all. So, thank you to all my readers, to everyone who has bought, checked out, glanced at, and given my writing a chance. It’s because of you that I continue to do what I do, and that I will keep at it until I no longer can.


The Rotten Apple mug!

I should have scheduled a post about this for yesterday, but with the book release I was pretty busy, especially yesterday. I had the book launch party, and it was a good time. People came to hang out, I sold some books, and someone even won a free The Rotten Apple mug! It was a good time, and I’m glad people were able to come out and support me.

But now, I would love for the internet folk to support me!

The Rotten Apple is a noir/detective novel with plenty of action, twists, and a female protagonist eager to stop The Big Apple from decaying. Here’s the description, for those of you who have yet to read it!:

The_Rotten_Apple_CoverNew York City, 1950 – Detective Naomi Blake sits in her office, craving a cigarette. Her phone rings. Mark Falco, owner of Falco Corporation, is in interrogation room one. Falco Corp. trucks have been spotted making late-night deliveries to an out-of-business warehouse, and the NYPD wants answers. Mark lawyers his way out. As always.

A woman comes in to the station. Says her husband is missing, possibly kidnapped. Before she can say by whom, a mysterious man bursts through the doors and sinks three slugs into her head, then vanishes. Even picks up the shell casings. The work of a professional.

Suspicious activity by Falco Corp., a missing husband, and a murdered woman. Three separate events? Or a concoction so vile it could mean the end of peace and justice in New York City.

And take a look at what’s been said about it!:

“The Rotten Apple is a great noir novel that follows Naomi, a truly strong and badass female detective. Stocking immediately does a great job of putting you in the shoes of the main character, with constant subtle reminders that she’s a New York City cop in the 1950s. He also shows us a female character that’s tough but also has a past that makes her vulnerable. Very few supposed “strong” female characters are quite as well written as Stocking’s MC.

The action is quick and full of weight; you truly understand the gravity of the situation and that Naomi’s whole world is on the line. The bad guys are smart and terrifying, the romance is organic and realistic, and there are plenty of twists to keep you enthralled.”

I know, right? Pick up a copy today (available in both print and Kindle formats), and it would be fantastic if you could help me out and click one or more of those share buttons below.

Get your copy here!


Promo_TomorrowNew York City, 1950 – Detective Naomi Blake sits in her office, craving a cigarette. Her phone rings. Mark Falco, owner of Falco Corporation, is in interrogation room one. Falco Corp. trucks have been spotted making late-night deliveries to an out-of-business warehouse, and the NYPD wants answers. Mark lawyers his way out. As always.

A woman comes in to the station. Says her husband is missing, possibly kidnapped. Before she can say by whom, a mysterious man bursts through the doors and sinks three slugs into her head, then vanishes. Even picks up the shell casings. The work of a professional.

Suspicious activity by Falco Corp., a missing husband, and a murdered woman. Three separate events? Or a concoction so vile it could mean the end of peace and justice in New York City?



“The Rotten Apple is a great noir novel that follows Naomi, a truly strong and badass female detective. Stocking immediately does a great job of putting you in the shoes of the main character, with constant subtle reminders that she’s a New York City cop in the 1950s. He also shows us a female character that’s tough but also has a past that makes her vulnerable. Very few supposed “strong” female characters are quite as well written as Stocking’s MC.

The action is quick and full of weight; you truly understand the gravity of the situation and that Naomi’s whole world is on the line. The bad guys are smart and terrifying, the romance is organic and realistic, and there are plenty of twists to keep you enthralled.”


It’s here! It’s here! The prequel to The Rotten Apple (out March 22) is now available for the Kindle!

Get a little pre-Rotten-Apple action before the release The Crimson Apple Coverhere!

Why should you? Well, maybe I can entice you with a little description.

The city is seething with scumbags and slime balls. Darkness is not only a characteristic of night, but something the druggies and prostitutes and gangsters embody as they scour the city, selling drugs and sex and guns, keeping The Big Apple’s police force awake and churning at all hours. The filth of the city linger in dark alleys and hide in the shadows, lurking and plotting and scheming, trying to make their way in the dark city the best way they know how.

Naomi Blake, police officer for the NYPD, patrols the city with her partner, Rex, searching for the scum lingering in the shadows. Doing their duty to keep their city safe.

But, when a gruesome murder in a movie theater occurs, the city gets even darker. The Big Apple turns crimson.

Officer Blake must bring an end to the monster terrorizing the city, leaving only blood, pain, and death in his wake.

But at what cost?

I know, I know, exciting, right? Pick up a copy for just $0.99 and let me know what you think!

Assassin’s Creed IV – I Can Stop Whenever I Want

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No, I really can’t.

I barely was able to pull myself away to write this post, because apparently it’s Tuesday.

Two out of four of my classes were cancelled yesterday, which means I went to none. It’s Assassin’s Creed’s fault.

This game is good. Really, really good. Every time you finish something, there’s something new to do right away. The sea combat is exceptional, the ships, the cannons, boarding enemy ships, saving sailors stuck at sea, all of it.

I haven’t written a word since I got the game on Valentine’s Day (a present from my lovely wife). And I’m wondering if I’ll go through semi-withdrawal when I’m at class tomorrow. I don’t think it’ll get to be that extreme, but it’s safe to say the game will be lingering in the back of my mind for most of the day.

However, now that I have pulled myself away and tapped out a few words on this here blog post, I imagine I should be able to get some fiction on the page, seeing as how I’m releasing a short story in a couple of weeks–Something you all should be looking forward to, because I’m really looking forward to you reading it–It’s going to be great.

In other news, I finished edits on The Rotten Apple. All that’s left is to format it, order the proof copy, and give it another read through.

Yes. Be excited. I sure am.

Mad Men – A Lesson in Details

After watching every episode of Mythbusters on Netflix (although they don’t have every episode from every season on there, which makes me mad), I was looking for something new to watch. My wife and I watch a lot of shows on Netflix together, so I had to find something else to watch. No big deal. I looked for Boardwalk Empire, as I’ve currently taken a huge interest in noir and that era, I thought it would be perfect inspiration. I guess it takes place during the prohibition in the 1920s. Mobsters, suits, “Tommy guns” and all that not only sounds awesome, but it would certainly teach me a lot about that time period. But, alas, they don’t have Boardwalk Empire on Netflix. However, they recommended Mad Men to me. I’d heard of it, and some of the actors in that show were also characters in Rockstar’s game L.A. Noire, which got me hooked on the noir genre in the first place. So, I figured I’d give it a try. A marketing agency in the ’60s sounded awesome enough, and it has won three Grammys. What’s not to love?

I was hooked from the first episode. The characters are thought out and deep, and the setting is so well done and realistic. They’re not afraid to pour on the realism. One of the first things that really hooked me was a bit of dialogue.

“Have we ever hired any Jews?”

“Not on my watch.”

Offensive? Yes. But, that’s how it was. The clothes, the cars, the beer, everything is period correct–as far as I know, anyway–and just blends in as part of the story. And everyone smokes all the time. They’re not obviously trying to point out “HEY! LOOK HOW MUCH WE GOT RIGHT!”

Also, during one scene, some of the characters were at a bachelor party, and there happened to be a stripper on stage. It was excellent to see they chose someone who wasn’t some stick model. I don’t want to dive to deeply into this to avoid some confrontation, but she was a “normal-sized” woman, if you know what I mean. She was healthy, and it was great to see.

It really makes me consider this type of stuff for my own writing. To see how they blend everything together. It just makes me think how I can include details like this to pour on the realism in my books. To really set the scene and draw the reader in. I’ve been trying to include more details in my writing, as I’ve been told I write a bit like Hemmingway. I tell what happened, who said what, and that’s about it. And that’s fine, of course, but sometimes I want to really try and dazzle with details and write a rich, full story that can really captivate. I mean, that’s possible with any type of writing if done right. But, there’s just something about being able to really show a setting that I really like, and I strive to emulate that.



Naomi kept a firm grip on her Colt Official Police revolver as she ran down the sidewalk, the tall New York City buildings and alleyways rushing past. “I said stop! NYPD!” she shouted. Ahead of her, a man in a blue suit fled. He took a quick glance back and then ran across the street. A red Buick Roadmaster screeched to a halt, horn blaring, almost hitting the fleeing suspect.

Naomi ran over the hood of the car and followed the man across the street into an alley. He tipped over a garbage can, but Naomi leapt over it. “That’s enough,” Naomi said. She pointed her revolver into the air and squeezed the trigger. The crack of the gunshot reverberated in the alley, and the man slowed to a stop, his hands raised over his head. “Take one more step and you won’t live to take another.”

Naomi holstered her pistol and wrenched the man’s arms behind his back. She slammed him up against the side of a brick building and secured his wrists with cuffs.

“Easy, sweetheart,” he said. “Rough me up too bad and I just might think this is a date.”

Naomi smiled and jabbed her elbow into his kidney. The man cried out, and Naomi shoved him harder up against the wall. “That rough enough for you?” She pulled him back and pushed him toward the street. “Go ahead, keep running your mouth.”

Naomi returned to the police station with the criminal and left him with two uniforms at the main desk who hauled him away to a cell. She walked to the detective’s office and sat down at her desk.

A moment later, the phone on her desk rang.

“Detective Blake,” Naomi said.

“Mark Falco is in interrogation room one.”

“Thanks.” Naomi hung up and stood. She walked down the stairs to the first floor and swung open the first door on her left. The translucent pane rattled when she closed it. Naomi sat down across from a younger man, his chin and cheeks covered in stubble from a few days of not shaving. His black suit was trim and pressed. The man sat straight in his chair, a smirk on his face as he tapped an unlit cigarette against the table.

“Is my lawyer here yet?” the man asked.

“If he were he’d be in here, wouldn’t he, Mr. Falco?”

The man smiled. “I suppose. Well, I’m nothing if not patient.”

“Look, Mark, I’m not here to dick around. Falco Corp. trucks have been spotted making late-night deliveries to an out-of-business warehouse at the edge of the city.”

“You’ll never get anything out of me. I’m no rat!” Mark slouched in his chair and laughed.

“Is there no end to your bullshit?”

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you. Perhaps there was a mix up. Sometimes the drivers get the address wrong.”

“Come on, Mark, this isn’t the first time you’ve been in trouble for drug trafficking. An abandoned warehouse on the edge of the city is the perfect place to store drugs ready to be moved out.”

“Then get a warrant and search the place. I don’t know what to tell you.” The door opened and a tall man in a blue suit stepped inside the room. “And that would be my lawyer,” Mark said, smiling.

Naomi stood and snatched the cigarette from Mark. “Thanks for all your cooperation.” She brushed past the lawyer and exited the interrogation room, making her way toward the main door of the station.

Once outside, Naomi pulled her brown trench coat close against her body, shielding herself from the bitter wind, and walked down the steps. She leaned against the side of the brick building and perched the stolen cigarette between her lips. A moment later, the cigarette was lit, and she took a deep drag, the smoke stinging her lungs, and exhaled. She watched as the cars drove by on the busy street. People on their way home from work, oblivious as to what was really out there in the city. Unknowing of the shootings, murderers, and drug addicts that she and the rest of the force protected them from. She recalled the last time she broke one of the city’s finest pariah’s arm at the elbow. Brought it down over her shoulder. She could still hear the snapping pop in her ear.

Naomi took another drag from her cigarette. She heard the door to the police station open, and Mark and his lawyer walked down the steps. Mark glanced at her and smiled. She wasn’t really convinced he actually had anything to do with the warehouse deliveries, but she didn’t know why. Naomi exhaled the smoke and watched as Mark and the lawyer climbed into the back of a black car.

As the car pulled away, a taxi pulled up into its spot. A woman threw a wad of money at the driver and scrambled out of the car. She hurried up the steps and into the police station. Naomi flicked the cigarette away and rushed in after her.

“I’m telling you, he’s missing,” the woman said to the officer behind a desk.

“What’s going on?” Naomi asked.

“My husband is missing,” the woman replied. “He hasn’t been home the past few nights.”

Naomi observed the woman’s tear-streaked face. She appeared to be pretty shaken up. “Are there any other women in your husband’s life?” Naomi asked.

The woman stared at her. “What are you saying, that my husband is having an affair? How dare you! My husband would never— I can’t believe you would even—” She paused. “I’ll bet they took him!”

“Who took him?”

“Those bastards from the—,” she began

The doors to the station burst open and a figure in a black trench coat opened fire with a revolver, sending everyone diving to the floor, and filling the room with screams.

Naomi pulled the pistol from the holster at her hip and crawled behind a desk. She looked at the woman. Blood soaked into her shirt from three bullet wounds. Naomi peered around the desk at the entrance, but the doors were shut. She slowly stood, staring down the barrel of her pistol, her heart racing. She took two quick breaths and lowered her weapon. “Is everyone all right?” she asked, looking around.

“Everyone except her,” a police officer said, pointing to the dead woman.

Naomi walked over to the body and knelt down by her head. Her green eyes stared at nothing, void of life. She checked the woman’s pockets and found a folded piece of paper. She opened it and read:

This is your last warning. If we catch you sneaking around the warehouse again, you’ll find it awfully hard to write for the paper without any fingers.

Warehouse? Naomi thought. Maybe it’s the same one where the Falco trucks were spotted. She returned the note to the woman’s pocket and stood, turning to face an officer who had just walked in from outside. “Get anything?”

The officer shook his head. “Nothin’,” he replied. “No one speeding or running away. It’s like he just vanished. Even grabbed his shell casings from the floor.”

“Interesting. Well, apparently this woman worked for the paper. Interview any witnesses and get me a photo of her as soon as possible.”

“Yes, detective.”

Naomi looked at the dead woman before her. She didn’t know what to make of it. Woman comes in claiming someone took her husband, and then someone kills her just as she’s about to reveal who. She couldn’t be positive what, but something within her knew that this case would be one of the biggest the city had ever seen.

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BREAKING NEWS: 1950s NYPD Struggling to Control Gang Violence


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What do you think, guys and girls? I’ve been messing around with Adobe InDesign to build a magazine for the hospital where I work as part of my internship, and seeing how it’s also the same program some newspapers use for their paper, I thought it might be cool to create a fictional one for The Rotten Apple.